16 February, 2013

The Other "Carnaval"

Or circus.  Or belated Halloween...at the beach.  Or...just Rio being Rio?

When one imagines Rio's "Carnaval" it is inevitable that the minds-eye is filled with flashes of feathers, headdresses, glitter, bedazzled thongs, and more feathers.  But not everyone is marching down the street in a sanctioned parade.  Many Cariocas (residents of Rio) choose to make their own parade, wherever they may stroll.

A lot like going diving into the Walmart bargain-bin on November 1st and putting on whatever you pull out. Why not just put on a blindfold and turn off the lights while your at it!  Now go about your regular business - pick up groceries, hail a cab, walk to the bank to use the ATM - sporting your new half-assed costume attempt.  Or throw on your beach wear and head to the beach!  What angel wings?  Bunny ears...who, me?!  This clown nose...hardly noticed it!

I attempted to document this phenomena by taking a sample of the streets, so to speak.  The following shots were taken from my phone whilst enjoying a late afternoon cerveja at corner sidewalk café in Copacabana over the course of about 15 minutes...

LMFAO, is that you?  I think Psy is following you...
Aye aye, Captain!
Seems to be a popular costume choice.
"Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..."
There was also a baby, an angel, a mouse, an Indian, and a fairy in this group.
The weirdest part, other than the juxtaposition of urban city streets and swimsuits, was that everyone exuded an air of obliviousness to their own appearance, making the sporting of cast-off Halloween wear that much more alluring.  It was a bizarro world; a parade without a route, where the spectators are whoever happens by, and concerning oneself with a theme is irrelevant.  It's a city-wide costume party and everyone is invited!

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